10 NetWorker Configuration Rules

Over the last 15 years, I’ve administered, configured and supported a huge number of NetWorker installs across a very broad range of business types including mining, finance, insurance, media, telecommunications, agriculture, education, government and health, just to name a small few.

As you may imagine, in my time I’ve picked up a few ways of working with NetWorker, and I thought I’d share some of these as my “golden” configuration rules. These are the things that I stick to, regardless of individual design considerations. I.e., don’t consider them to be design rules; they’re different again.

1. Don’t use the default resources

I make it a policy not to use the default resources that NetWorker provides. This isn’t to say that they’re not appropriate at times, but simply that you should own your own configuration. You should establish a naming standard for each of the core configuration items (groups, pools, policies, schedules, etc.) and use that to keep a consistent, uniform configuration, rather than mixing in bits of your own configuration and the default configuration.

Further, there are some default resources that you can’t modify – pools are a classic example. And in those cases, you want to be able to enable certain settings, such as auto media verify. Since you can’t modify bootstrap pools, you may as well start from scratch there.

Exception: Notifications. While there’s a couple of notifications whose alerts you can’t change, for the most part, start by modifying the existing ones for things like savegroup completion, cleaning alerts, etc.

2. Don’t name groups after their start time

I see this time and time again – groups get named after their start time. If you have an entirely static and unchanging configuration, you may sometimes get away with this. However, for the most part, you’re going to need to be flexible on shuffling around group start times from time to time. E.g., you may need to pull a group forward five minutes, or push its start time back ten minutes, etc.

If the group is named after the start time, you’ve got two options:

  1. Give it a different start time to the name, making the configuration violate the law of least astonishment; or
  2. Create a new group, move the clients across to it, delete the old group, adjust pool configurations, etc.

Either way it’s messy and unpleasant. The best approach is to just not insert the group start time into the name of the group – after all, if you go into NMC and look at a listing of all groups, you’ll see the start time immediately anyway!

If for some reason you really need to include some form of time in the group name, keep it as fuzzy as possible; e.g., “pre midnight” or “post midnight” might be one way of doing it, or even just “Early” and “Late”.

3. Use as few pools as possible

The more pools you have, the more media you’ll need to use (for the most part). It also introduces drive contention and makes performance tuning and tweaking of an environment more challenging. Therefore, keep pools to a minimum, focusing on using them for any/all of the following:

  • Segregating backups based on retention periods/frequency of backup (e.g., a “Daily” pool and a “Monthly” pool);
  • Segregating backups based on locality (e.g., “Daily Offsite” and “Daily Onsite”).

If you keep the number of pools you use in your environment to a minimum (while still having the number you need), you’ll have a much easier to maintain environment.

4. Avoid adjusting pools while the server is active

In the dim dark days of NetWorker history, you couldn’t edit pools while the server was backing up. Over time that restriction has been lifted. However, there are still all sorts of situations that can trigger NetWorker to log the dreaded message about pools being edited while the server was busy. And if this gets logged, your pool changes won’t take effect until you can stop and restart NetWorker.

The solution? Avoid it. Plan the changes that you need to make to pools, and slot them into change windows where backups will be minimised or not happen. Equally, design your solution around the knowledge that pool modifications while the server is active can be a bit painful – e.g., having clients and/or savesets explicitly specified in a pool selection criteria should be an exception, not a rule.

5. Always enable Monitor RAP

NetWorker has a facility to track changes to the configuration which is called “Monitor RAP” – it’s a server resource setting, and it’s disabled by default. Once you enable it though, a RAP log is generated in the server’s log directory which maintains details of everything that gets changed (either by an administrator, or NetWorker itself) in the configuration. This not only helps in any audit situation, it also lets you back-trace configuration changes and stay appraised of changes to the environment when you have more than one person with administrative privileges in the datazone.

6. Don’t use wildcards for the admin usergroup

No, don’t.

It’s that simple.

7. Use schedule overrides to establish better monthly schedules

When creating schedules where you say, need to have monthly backups that skip all days of the month except the last Friday of the month, switch out of calendar view and use fuzzy time definitions for overrides – e.g., and override of “full last friday every month”. It’ll save you a lot of hassle!

If you want to know how to do this, check out the examples in the Power Users’s Guide to nsradmin micromanual.

8. Give jukeboxes sensible names

When you run a configuration wizard, NetWorker will name the jukebox by the SCSI port that it finds the jukebox on. This is all well and good, but that port isn’t necessarily static – it can be moved around due to various operating system changes, etc. What’s more, it’s usually not all that human-friendly in terms of remembering, etc.

However, you can temporarily disable the jukebox and rename it.

I tend to rename the jukebox to the model type – e.g., “i500” or something simple along those lines. This is also the case when there’s only one jukebox attached to each storage node – the “rd=hostname” component of the jukebox name will give you some separation between what’s configured on the storage node and what’s configured on the server. If you have multiple jukeboxes in the same location – particularly if they’re the same model, you might append numbers to the end of the names (e.g., DD_VTL1, DD_VTL2, etc.)

If you’ve got multiple similar jukeboxes in disparate locations say, fibre-channel connected to a single host, you might include an abbreviation of the location in the jukebox name – e.g., “DD_VTL_DC1” and “DD_VTL_DC2” for “Data Centre 1” and “Data Centre 2” – you get the drift…

9. Use the comment field

I’ll sound like an old person here, but let me put it to you this way:

Us old time NetWorker users campaigned long and hard to get a comment field – use it, or you’re being ungrateful!

Seriously though, the comment field is a great way of recording easy-to-use annotations to help make your configuration even easier to understand. Don’t go crazy with it and try to encapsulate the entire configuration for each resource in its comment field, but use it like a good programmer would use code comments.

10. Don’t mix special and filesystem savesets in the same group

Sometimes I’ll see sites where you have the same client in a group twice; the first time the client has savesets of say:

  • /
  • /opt
  • /usr
  • /usr/local
  • /home

And the second instance of the client is for a module – e.g.,

  • RMAN:OracleDB_Details

You see, NetWorker doesn’t let you have two instances of a client in the same group when one of the clients has an “All” saveset; so, in the example above, by rights the first client instance should have an “All” saveset rather than an explicit listing of savesets. But when both clients are shoe-horned into the backups, you move to an inclusive rather than exclusive backup policy, and that’s just dangerous for data protection, and introduces a much higher risk of human error.

Not only that, EMC recommends against doing it anyway – for the reason above, and for the purposes of stability and performance.

11. And a bonus: Don’t have groups that start at the same time

Keep at least five minutes between start times for groups. This is 100% “best practice” and having multiple groups that start at the same time should be absolutely avoided. If you’re in a situation where you don’t have room to configure any more groups with a 5-minute gap between groups, then, well, you’ve got too many groups and you should look at consolidating them.

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