I’ve been Elected again

Elect 2015

I’ve been running the NetWorker Blog since 2009, and since it started it’s grown to hundreds of articles in addition to a bunch of reports and some mini (and not so mini) manuals. I’ve been lucky enough to be named part of the EMC Elect Community now for 3 years running since its inception, but I thought it worthwhile spending a few minutes mentioning some of the other EMC Elect I’ve been lucky enough to meet, or whose musings I’ve found particularly interesting over the years.

There were a lot more in EMC Elect 2015 than the above select list, of course. Last year was a bit chaotic for me, between job changes and a few other big personal events. This year, I’m planning on diving into a lot more of what my Elect colleagues (both above, and across the entire spectrum) post about, and you’ll be seeing more links appear to their articles.

Jumping back to me for a moment, I figure this is as good an opportunity as ever to do a quick summary of some of the bigger posts on the NetWorker hub – so here goes:

  • Top 5 Blog Posts:
    • Basics – Fixing NSR Peer Information Errors. A perennial favourite, this has been visited more than twice as often as any other article on the site.
    • Introducing NetWorker 8. Everyone was hungry for information on NetWorker 8 when it launched, and this remains well read even now.
    • Basics – Stopping and Starting NetWorker on the Windows Command Line. I’ve always found wading through the services control panel in Windows to be slower than firing a command prompt and typing a couple of commands. I thought that was because I was a die-hard Unix/Command Line junkie, but it turns out a lot of people want to know this.
    • Basics – Changing Browse/Retention Time. We’ve all done it: accidentally configured a client and left the default browse and retention settings in place, only to realise a month or two later that we need to correct it. Don’t worry, I won’t tell who has looked at this article – we’ve all been in the same boat…
    • NetWorker 8 Advanced File Type Devices. NetWorker 8 saw device handling for AFTDs (and for that matter, DD Boost devices) completely upgraded. This article dove in on the nitty gritty and a lot of people access it still.
  • Manuals and reports you might find interesting:

Thanks for reading my blog over the years, I look forward to many more years to come!

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