Less than a month ago, Apple released service pack 3 to Snow Leopard – i.e., 10.6.3. A few days after that they released which was apparently only needed in a few instances, but I downloaded and applied anyway due to some irregularities I’d noticed with my OS after installing the vanilla 10.6.3.
It’s recently occurred to me that NetWorker (7.6) has been a heck of a lot more reliable since going to 10.6.3 / As always, it’s a bit of a grey zone, since it’s not officially supported (and there’s definitely some patching required) – hence the wait for 7.6 SP1, but overall I’m now noticing that the client process remains contactable by the server across multiple sleep/wake and/or location transitions, something that it wouldn’t do before. There’s still some other behavioural oddities, but overall, I realised that I’ve not reinstalled the client on my laptop now for over 2 weeks, which is a bit of a record since I installed Snow Leopard. If you’re in a situation where you absolutely have to be running 10.6 and backing up with NetWorker, and knowing it’s not currently supported, I’d suggest you make sure you’re on
What’s the current status of OS X support in (for example) 7.6 SP3?
Fully functional, no patching required?
I currently have (7.6 SP3 plain) on my MacBook Pro and my Mac Pro and it’s not exhibiting any issues, but I haven’t checked for any Mac specific updates in the cumulative releases for 7.6.3.