I’ve been an IT consultant for close to two decades. During that time I’ve worked with a large number of IT departments ranging from those in small, privately held businesses, to departments servicing world-wide Fortune 500 companies. Those businesses have been in just about all industry verticals: Telecommunications, Mining, Education (Higher and Tertiary), Government (Local, State, Federal), Finance and Banking, Manufacturing, Importation, Research, and so on. As you can imagine, during that time I’ve seen some excellent examples of how IT departments can best align to their businesses, and I’ve also seen what doesn’t work. Stop, Collaborate and Listen is a short eBook, a micromanual, which outlines three essential steps an IT department needs to take in order to ensure it remains relevant to the parent business. Ultimately, the IT/Business relationship is just that – a relationship. And all relationships need to be built on respect, understanding and communication. Stop, Collaborate and Listen provides a starting guide to IT managers and staff on how to ensure the business relationship is at its best. An early draft of one of the topics covered in Stop, Collaborate and Listen can be viewed here. You can buy the book from the Amazon Kindle Store ($3.99 US) using one of the links below:
Kept brief for the busy IT worker and manager, Stop, Collaborate and Listen is an essential guide to ensuring your IT department works closely to the core business.