Here’s a topic that comes up from time to time: block size in deduplication. (Note here I’m using the term…
This week, Dell EMC announced a new suite of products in the Data Domain product family: the PowerProtect DD systems.…
I’m a two-phone person. I carry a phone for work, and my personal phone. Actually, both phones are mine because…
Ideally, our backups work all the time without an issue. That’s an ideal situation. Then again, in an ideal situation,…
How confident are you that the data you have in cloud is protected? That’s one of the questions I asked…
Note: I originally wrote this in 2012, on my ‘’ blog. I’m winding that blog down, but wanted to preserve…
PowerProtect (the Data Manager software, and the storage platform) — the next generation data protection platform from Dell EMC, became…
I’ve been tracking news on ransomware for a while now, and there’s been a few events of late that warrant…
“And lo, as the skies darkened and the earth trembled, I saw them riding their pale steeds — The Four Horsemen…
So, the other night, my husband and I finally got around to watching San Andreas, the 2015 movie featuring Dwayne…