Below you'll find links to some of the utilities developed and published originally on the NetWorker Hub. Unless otherwise noted, all utilities are written in Perl.

  • Generate Big File – The utility can generate a large file that does not yield itself well to compression. This can be useful in various tests you might run within an environment.
  • Generate Filesystem – This utility can generate a randomised collection of files to mimic a filesystem. With options for minimum and maximum file size, minimum and maximum directory tree depth, etc., you can use this when you need to create a large number of files quickly and randomly.
  • mminfo2html – This utility can be used to convert a NetWorker mminfo query output into HTML format.
  • Volume Order – If you need to scan multiplexed tapes generated on one NetWorker system into another, it can be helpful to generate a dump from the original NetWorker system of the order in which tapes should be scanned, based on any spanning savesets. This utility will let you quickly generate that information.
  • VM Map – Quickly generates a mapping between virtual machine IDs and virtual machine names.