I’ve been wanting to play around more with pre-scripting in PowerProtect Data Manager. The proof-of-concept style example I gave last…
Where we’re at A few weeks ago I posted a (lengthy) Perl script (and explanation) for running deduplication analysis against…
If you use NetWorker with Data Domain, you’ve probably sometimes wanted to know which of your clients have the best…
Sometimes you have to think outside the box to get just the right database backup. And functions like post-scripts can help you out.
Artist credit for post image above: Andrey Suslov via Bigstock.Com. Introduction to Pre-Backup Commands In complex environments, pre- and post-backup…
Utilities Do you remember CVS? While I’d previously been a fan of RCS, I switched to CVS very early after…
A question that comes up regularly is “how do I find out the NetWorker version and other details for my…
This well and truly falls into the “old dog learns new trick” category. During a discussion last week about how…
While Avamar has options for automating the test of virtual machine recoveries, it’s not functionality that’s present in NetWorker. Recently…
By the time I’d finished my previous webwatch, I was regretting that the third section of data I’d chosen to…